Our Approach
This services aims to provide information and assistance in the preparation of documents for parents facing an application under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The primary services we offer are advice in child abduction matters and the low cost preparation of Response documents. We can also help parents apply for funding under the ICARS scheme. This service is provided Australia wide through email and telephone contact. In addition we provide in-person representation for matters listed in the Newcastle, Sydney, Parramatta, Wollongong or Canberra registries of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. For other states or registries we can make arrangements to appear via electronic means.
We are also able to offer advice in relation to non Hague Convention abduction matters.
Who we are

Solicitor NSW Australia
Rosa Saladino
Rosa Saladino has been working with international conventions concerning children for most of her career. A large part of this experience has been with the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Rosa has worked in the Australian Central Authority and the Central Authority for England and Wales. She has also worked in the NSW Central Authority and with ISS Australia. Rosa has long seen the need for specific assistance for parents involved in parental child abduction matters.
Rosa also has extensive experience in general Family Law matters having been in private practice in the ACT for over 10 years. She is also familiar with general issues affecting Family Law from her experience as the Manager of the Family Law and international Family Law Sections of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department. She has also been the Manager of the secretariat of the Family Law Council, which advises the Australian government on Family Law matters.
Next Steps…
Please contact us to discuss your matter. An initial consultation of 30 minutes is offered free of charge.